Hug Me Pullover
(a pattern from
To fit chest measurement12 mos 18 ins [45.5 cm]
18 mos 19 ins [48 cm]
2 yrs 21 ins [53.5 cm]
4 yrs 23 ins [58.5 cm]
Finished chest12 mos 21½ ins [54.5 cm]
18 mos 22 ins [56 cm]
2 yrs 24 ins [61 cm]
4 yrs 25½ ins [65 cm]
GAUGE19 sts and 25 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] in stocking st.
MATERIALSBernat® Handicrafter Cotton(50 g / 1.75 oz/73 m/80 yds) or
Bernat® Satin (100 g / 3.5 oz/149 m/163 yds)
Size 12 mos (18 mos-2 yrs-4 yrs)
Main Color (MC) (Mint)210 (230-240-350) m
OR 230 (250-265-380) yds Contrast A (White)210 (230-244-350) m
OR230 (250-265-380) yds
Size 4.5 mm (U.S. 7) knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge.
2 st holders.
4 buttons.
Alt = Alternate.
Approx = Approximately.
Beg = Beginning.
Cont = Continue(ity).
Inc = Increase 1 stitch by knitting into front and back of next stitch.
K = Knit.
K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches together.
P2tog = Purl next 2 stitches together.
P2togtbl = Purl next 2 stitches through back loops.
Pat = Pattern.
Psso = Pass slipped stitch over.
RS = Right side.
Rem = Remaining.
Rep = Repeat.
Sl1 = Slip next stitch knitwise.
Sl1P = Slip next stitch purlwise.
St(s) = Stitch(es).
Tog = Together.
WS = Wrong side.
Yfwd = Yarn forward.
INSTRUCTIONS The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written in parentheses. ( ).
BACK **With MC, cast on 45 (47-51-55) sts.
Knit 5 rows, noting that 1st row is WS and inc 6 sts evenly across last row. 51 (53-57-61) sts.
With A, work 2 rows in stocking st. With MC, work 2 rows in stocking st. **Rep last 4 rows of Stripe Pat until work from beg measures 12 (13-14- 15) ins [30.5 (33-35.5-38) cm], ending
with 2 rows of A.
Break A.
Shoulders: With MC, K15 (16-17- 17). Turn. Leave rem sts on spare needle.
Knit 5 rows.
Cast off knitwise.
With RS of work facing, slip next 21 (21-23-27) sts onto a st holder.
Join MC to rem sts and knit to end of row.
Knit 4 rows.
Cast off knitwise.
FRONT Work from ** to ** as given for Back.
Rep last 4 rows of Stripe Pat until work from beg measures 10 (11-11½- 12½) ins [25.5 (28-29-32) cm], ending with a purl row.
Neck shaping: Next row: (RS). With appropriate color, K17 (18-19-19).
Turn. Leave rem sts on spare needle.
Next row: P2tog. Purl to end of row. 16 (17-18-18) sts.
Next row: Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog. 15 (16-17-17) sts.
Cont even in Stripe Pat until work from beg measures 12 (13-14-15) ins [30.5 (33-35.5-38) cm], ending with 2 rows of A. Break A.
Place marker at end of last row.
With MC, knit 3 rows.
Next row: (WS). (buttonhole row). K3. yfwd. K2tog. K4 (4-5-5). yfwd. K2tog. K4 (5-5-5).
Knit 1 row.
Cast off knitwise.
With RS facing, slip next 17 (17-19-23) sts onto a st holder. Join appropriate color to rem sts and knit to end of row.
Next row: Purl to last 2 sts. P2togtbl. 16 (17-18-18) sts.
Next row: Sl1. K1. psso. Knit to end of row. 15 (16-17-17) sts.
Cont even in Stripe Pat until work from beg measures 12 (13-14-15) ins [30.5 (33-35.5-38) cm], ending with 2 rows of A.
Break A.
Place marker at end of last row.With MC, knit 3 rows.
Next row: (WS). (buttonhole row). K4 (5-5-5). K2tog. yfwd. K4 (4-5-5). K2tog. yfwd. K3.
Knit 1 row.
Cast off knitwise.
SLEEVES With MC, cast on 23 (25-27-30) sts.
Knit 5 rows, noting that 1st row is WS and inc 3 (3-3-4) sts evenly across last row. 26 (28-30-34) sts.
Work in Stripe Pat as given for Back, inc 1 st each end of needle on next and every following alt row to 38 (40-56- 56) sts, then every following 4th row to 48 (52-62-66) sts.
Cont even until work from beg measures 7 (7½-8-8½) ins [18 (19- 20.5-21.5) cm], ending with a purl row. Cast off knitwise.
FINISHING Pin garment pieces to measurements.
Cover with a damp cloth, leaving cloth to dry.
Back Neckband: With RS of work facing and MC, pick up and knit 3 sts down right back neck edge. K21 (21-23-27) from back st holder. Pick up and knit 3 sts up left back neck edge. Knit 1 row. Cast off knitwise.
Front Neckband: With RS of work facing and MC, pick up and knit 11 sts down left front neck edge. K17 (17-19-23) from front st holder. Pick up and knit 11 sts up right front neck edge. Knit 1 row.
Cast off knitwise.
Pin shoulders tog, overlapping Front over Back. Place marker along side edge of Front and Back 7 (7½-7½-8) ins [18 (19-19-20.5) cm] up from cast on edge.
Sew Sleeves between markers.
Sew side and sleeve seams.
Sew buttons at shoulders to correspond to buttonholes.
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