Dishcloths, scarfs, snowmen (not pictured here), placemats, oven hangings, all knitted by me and sorted by season or reason! Some of the patterns are my originals, such as 'the wedding cake' collection, (a collection of beautiful washcloths) and some are by other knitters who have given me their permission to knit their creations!
There is so much to do and only about 5 weeks left to do it, but I'm up for the task. In between I've been watching autumn go from very red and yellow to muted yellow and brown. Shutting down. Going within. Becoming quiet, except for those windblown days when the roof sounds like it's going to blow away.
Now, with the days growing shorter each day, evening comes that much sooner. Shadows fall at odd angles, and illuminate walls and rooms in ways we never see in summer. Yet, it gives us the opportunity to lighten our spaces with candles, real or electric, and stoke up the fireplace or woodstove. Add a bit of incense or potpourri and the mood is transformative.
A lot like knitting.